About me
I’ve always been driven by a relentless curiosity, a need to question, and a desire to understand the deeper truths behind everything. Since childhood, I’ve found myself captivated by the world around me—whether it was the origins of a formula in mathematics or the intricate beauty of a tree. I was never content with accepting information at face value. This need for deeper understanding often brought me into conflict with my teachers, who sometimes saw my questions as disruptions, but for me, they were essential.
That same spirit continues to guide me today. I find inspiration everywhere—in the systems that govern our world, the ideas that shape our societies, and the political forces that define our collective paths. Whether it's exploring philosophy, engineering, or politics, my passion lies in unraveling complexities and seeking the "why" behind it all. This space is where I share those reflections, inviting others to join me in a journey of curiosity and understanding.